Here are the official court hearing document, click on link: Insolvency hearing dated tenth january 2025
This court hearing in the Royal Court of New Zealand and all its content under the jurisdiction of Almighty God in the kingdom of God here in heaven and on earth have been entered into the public records. Court recording commenced at 4.05pm on the tenth day of January in the year of 2025.
From the word of Holy Word of God it states in Matthew Chapter 18 v16 and 20 “A matter shall be established by two or three witnesses.” The three witnesses attending agreed to act in this capacity and gave their first names as Margaret, Fred and Beverley-Jane.
Documents were served on the 20th day of December 2024 to the Office of Mayor at Hauraki District Council Office at 1 William Street Paeroa as the head office for all local government councils in New Zealand, plus Office of the High Court of Auckland at 24 Corner Waterloo Quadrant Auckland as the head office of all the crown government courts of New Zealand, and to Christopher Luxon as prime minister and chief executive officer for the Crown and Crown Group plus Waitangi National trust board representative, the office of Crown Law, Parliament incorporated, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet plus all other Crown corporations and franchises and on Peter (Pita) Tipene as chairman of the board of the Waitangi National Trust Board and representative of Waitangi Limited on the twenty-first day of December 2024 following a forced commercial lien taken over them. The documents included all insolvency notices from the court hearing on 18th day of December 2024 plus Judicial Notice and Royal Decree that due to the seriousness of the breach that if there was not an immediate payout by 24th day of December 2024 then Royal Crown-Janine acting jointly with the Crown steps in as the Royal assignee in the Crown, activating section 121 of the Insolvency Act 2006 with full authority to order all banking facilities to investigate and audit all accounts and report back to Royal Crown-Janine acting jointly with the Crown, within ten calendar days before the close of business on the 3 January 2025 where Royal Crown-Janine provided an extension until 4pm on the tenth day of January 2025.
The forced commercial lien was placed on Waitangi Limited and the Waitangi National Trust Board for the following charges: Debt-Bondage or Serfdom: A charge is placed on behalf of every inhabitant globally for Waitangi National Trust Board and all subsidiary corporations and organisations for dealing in slaves and trafficking in persons, obtaining by deception or causing loss by deception and false accounting pursuant with the provisions of sections 98, 98D, 240, 260 under the Crimes Act 1961. Also for subrogating and usurping the functions of the Crown in relationship to Collective Investment Schemes (CIS) under the Global Asset Trust and subsidiaries being a unit trust upon winding up the valued at $230million New Zealand Dollars ($230,000,000.00 NZD) and the sub-fund being a Passport Fund valued at $500million United States Dollars ($500,000,000.00) which are debts owing and due to the Crown Beneficiaries (“the inhabitants”) also known as Rack Rent, Rent Charge, Rentcharge (Annuities) or Unclaimed Monies held as Bona Vacantia payable from the Common Fund or Crown Bank Account. These funds were due to be paid to all the inhabitants (“Crown Beneficiaries”) by the close of business on 24 December 2024 otherwise liquidation will occur of Waitangi National Trust Group, Waitangi National Trust and Waitangi Limited and any other subsidiary. As a reserve for nine billion inhabitants (which means nine billion unit trusts) the following amount requires to be paid out to each inhabitant collectively and individually through the current banking facilities being level 25 and level 15 and level 10 banking facilities. The two unit values are listed in different currencies so to work out the full value owed it needs to be converted into one currency where the US dollar unit value has been converted into NZ dollar to bring the combined unit to the value of 1.12308 million. This figure needs to be multiplied by the nine billion reserve (based on allowance for the number of inhabitants on earth). This results in a debt that requires to be paid out where if in New Zealand dollars the figure is 10,107,720,000,000,000.00 which is 10.10772 quadrillion NZ dollars and converted back to US dollars is 5.65896 quadrillion US dollars collectively.
I, Royal Crown-Janine confirm that no payment was made on the twenty fourth day of December 2024 and a NOTICE for full report by tenth day of January 2025 was sent to the chairman of the board Peter (Pita) Tipene and three ministers of the Crown representative Group being the Prime Minister Christopher Luxon and the Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage Paul Goldsmith and the Minister for Māori Development Tama Potaka. No report was received from any of these officers and ministers showing that they are now acting in dishonour and liable in the private as well due to not serving the best interests of the Crown’s beneficiaries.
Seeking first the Kingdom of God the Summary Judgement now made is issued pursuant to Section 289 and 239 of the Companies Act 1993 and the Insolvency Act 2006 of failure to pay the outstanding debt due and owing in due course a charge over the whole of the assets, liabilities and rights in the Crown of Her Majesty Queen Janine who assumes Creditor’s Rights has affirmed in the Royal Court of New Zealand for the restoration of God’s Kingdom here on earth within the realms of the United Kingdom of New Zealand assents to the place of Royal Assignor and Royal Assignee in the Crown of Her Majesty Queen Janine of the Royal House of Walters to administrate the liquidation of all the entities trusts, corporations, franchises and any other organisation that is found through discovery that has contributed to making the inhabitants debt slaves with failure of payout and failure of serving the best interests of the beneficiaries, where from the Holy Bible the book of Matthew chapter 6 verse 33 declares that as we seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness that all these things shall be added to us being God’s people and the inhabitants of Earth.
Today being the tenth day of January in the year of our lord two thousand and twenty five at 4.15pm it is entered into the Royal Court record that the following entities are declared insolvent and from this day are ordered to cease to trade and operate where they have now entered into statutory management where the four officers and ministers with personal liability are also made insolvent, where their roles and titles and office are now taken over by the Royal Assignor Janine who at the end of the hearing will appoint people to take over these positions and ensure the releasing of funds to the true heirs the beneficiaries now that the trust has been wound up.
Please note that TBA stands for to be advised
Date | Time | Name of Corporation or Individual | Insolvency
Number |
Incorporation Number |
10/1/2025 | 4.15pm | Waitangi National Trust | 10012501 | CC31198 |
10/1/2025 | 4.15pm | Waitangi Limited also known as Waitangi Treaty Grounds
NZBN 9429042300892 |
10012502 | CC53268 |
10/1/2025 | 4.15pm | Waitangi National Trust Group | 10012503 | CC53269 |
10/1/2025 | 4.15pm | Parliament Incorporated | 10012504 | TBA |
10/1/2025 | 4.15pm | Office of Crown Law also known as Crown law office | 10012505 | 9429041904718 |
10/1/2025 | 4.15pm | Minister of Finance | 10012506 | TBA |
10/1/2025 | 4.15pm | Office of finance also known as Minister of Finance and Ministry of Finance that holds the shares for the Minister of Finance | 10012507 | TBA |
10/1/2025 | 4.15pm | Office of Prime Minister | 10012508 | TBA |
10/1/2025 | 4.15pm | Office of Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage also known as Ministry of Arts, Culture and Heritage that holds the shareholding on the minister of Arts, Culture and Heritage | 10012509 | TBA |
10/1/2025 | 4.15pm | Minister for Māori Development | 10012510 | TBA
10/1/2025 | 4.15pm | Office of the Ministry of Maori Development (Te Puni Kōkiri) that holds the shareholding of the Ministry for Maori Development | 10012511 | 9429041919729 |
10/1/2025 | 4.15pm | Tama Potaka | 10012512 | TBA |
10/1/2025 | 4.15pm | Peter Tipene also known as Pita Tipene | 10012513 | TBA |
10/1/2025 | 4.15pm | Office of the Waitangi National Trust | 10012514 | TBA |
10/1/2025 | 4.15pm | Office of Waitangi National Trust Group | 10012515 | TBA |
10/1/2025 | 4.15pm | Companies office | 10012516 | TBA |
In order for right of claim every inhabitant and beneficiary is required to have a constitution and according to the Human Tissue Act 2008 section 55 trading interpretation blood has a constituent and is a constituent that may be used therapeutically, therefore every inhabitant has a constitution due to the blood within them and has right of claim as a beneficiary. Each inhabitant can now go into any licensed bank facility and request full payout of their individual and collective unit trust now that the trust Waitangi National trust has been wound up. The pathway to do this will be released shortly.
The following ministers and officers have been declared insolvent and are no longer able to hold office and are lawfully removed to be replaced by the Royal assignor which is Royal Crown-Janine: Christopher Luxon, Paul Goldsmith, Tama Potaka and Peter Tipene, with further officers and ministers to be removed from office at the next court hearing on 17th day of January 2024.
The Crown of Her Majesty Queen Janine of the Royal House of Walters assents to role of Royal Assignor and Royal Assignee in the Crown, and assigns the following people to step into the statutory management to undertake full forensic investigation and audit of any and all registries, accounts, books, records, electronic devices, dealings and financial arrangements, agreements contracts and employment contracts in Trust Estate of Waitangi and Waitangi National Trust Board (Parliament incorporation) under the Waitangi National Trust Board Act 1932 and Waitangi Endowment Act 1932-33 incorporated and administered by the department of Conservation and Minister of Finance in relation to the common fund and all crown bank accounts. The trustee and board and crown representatives are required by law and royal decree issued by Royal Crown-Janine to disclose where all the crown bank accounts are held so that the funds can be released to the true heirs being the crown beneficiaries.
The officers appointed as Statutory managers to replace the officers stood down are: His Majesty King Nelson to step into the office of The Crown in Right of New Zealand and office of Parliament incorporated and His Majesty King Steven The Crown in Right of Australia to step into the Office of Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage and Dennis of the House of Mirosevich as director of Orbit Futures to step into the Office of Minister of Finance and Fred of the Royal House of Stewart to step into the office of Crown Law, and office of ministry of Maori Affairs. It is recorded here that due to non contact with the Statutory Managers during the first week of insolvency that the Office of the Minister of Finance and Office of Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage has returned back to the Royal Assignor Crown-Janine as the Statutory manager on the seventeenth day of January 2025, but further roles will be considered once clear lines of communication established with Dennis of the House of Mirosevich and His Majesty King Steven The Crown in Right of Australia.
Royal Crown-Janine remains in the role of Royal assignor in the Kingdom of God as representing Almighty God and all the inhabitants of earth as trust protector where she is to ensure that all appointed statutory managers at all times act in the best interests of the crown beneficiaries where the statutory managers are required to be fully accountable to her and can be removed at any time if it is determined that they have stopped acting in the best interests of the inhabitants with Royal Crown-Janine having royal rights to appoint in position and remove from position the Royal assignees and Statutory Managers as identified in the paragraph above or any others that are appointed at a later date.
It is also entered into the record certificate of Judgement of His Majesty King Nelson in right of his Government in New Zealand as a true heir and successor through his royal bloodlines dated Monday 20 November 2023 where King Nelson agrees to act in the best interests of all inhabitants and requests the name Geoffrey Martin Smith Richards to be struck from the record as Statutory Manager and to be replaced by Dennis of the House of Mirosevich also as director of Orbit Futures as Statutory Manager and Royal liquidator.
The following details apply to all of the individuals and corporations
Insolvency type: Court Liquidation
Insolvency status: Liquidation (Current)
Liquidation date/time: 10-Jan-2025 16.15
Court: Royal Court of New Zealand under Jurisdiction God Almighty in the Kingdom of God
Industry at liquidation: central government crown entity/trust representing crown government
Multiple insolvencies: No
Office for enquiries: Now Freedom For All PO Box 9006 Greerton Tauranga 3142
Case officer: Royal Assignor and Assignee in the Crown of Her Majesty Queen Janine of the Royal House of Walters
The three witnesses attending with names Margaret, Fred and Beverley-Jane agree and confirm that all of the information presented in this hearing is true and correct that the debtors failed to settle their debts and as a result with full lawful authority have been declared insolvent and entered in statutory management as from 4.15pm on Friday the tenth day of January in the year of 2025. The hearing closed at 4.35pm on Friday the tenth day of January 2025