Public Notices NZ

Notice that all Assets and Crown and Council corporations in Trust

This is to inform the public that formal commercial liens were placed over all the Crown Corporations and Councils within New Zealand due to actions of harm where the assets value of each corporation was less that the lien value, so Janine the Commander and Chief over the Crown Corporations with full lawful right took over the assets of each of the corporations and placed them in trust in ‘Janine and the People’s Irrevocable Trust’ where all the people of living in Aotearoa New Zealand are the beneficiaries with summary pages attached. Janine has placed the full list of the assets of each corporation plus all the lien verification statements below. The people can make sure that there are no dodgy actions by the officers within the corporations to try and unlawfully sell their properties. As the commercial liens were entered into the public record they have remained live since the date they were lodged. Any properties that have been sold since those times will be seized back. Any agent of any corporation that steals the assets that now belong to the people they will be held fully liable  for their actions and the people as the beneficiaries have the right to claim back any of the assets listed below and any other assets that get revealed through discovery.

Click on below links of trust document and council and crown properties lists plus financial statements:

5 main pages trust document Janine and People’s Irrevocable Trust

Finanancial Statements Crown Corporations and individuals with liability

Debt Owing of Chris Luxon and Associated Crown and Parent and Successor Corporations and individuals now Liable for dated 22 November 2024

North Island Council Properties excluding AUCKLAND COUNCIL


South Island Council Properties with Councils Listed Alphabetically

majesty properties

chris luxon properties

health nz properties and buildings

crown corporation properties with further to be added with discovery

See below for Summary Judgements and Orders in Place:



NOTICE OF IMMEDIATE SUMMARY JUDGEMENT against NZ Crown Corporations 19 September 2024

Notice Orders & Instructions for Immediate Action 10.10.2024 FL (11)

From Janine of The house of Arabella

Commander and Chief over the Crown Corporations under the Jurisdiction of Almighty God



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