By I :Tapa-Kiteora (TK for short): House of LewisⒸ™ a living man of Makarau, Waikato, Nga Motu a Maaui; Nova Zeelandia; [New Zea-land Unincorporated]; do state, declare, proclaim and affirm:
1. That “I AM”:
a. A Kingdom of Almighty God State National
b. A Nga Motu a Maaui State National within, from and of Te Moananui a Kiwa
c. A Nova Zeelandia state National and:
d. A Terra Australis State National
2. That unless I clearly have, do or advise otherwise, “I AM” not a voluntary transactor in commerce. And:
3. As unrebutted loreful reconveyance/conveyance of myself to the jurisdiction of “te whenua rangatira” is tacit agreement:
4. Therefore I under common lore/law claim and firmly assert that “I AM” the irrefutable owner and holder in due course of:
a. All of my property both tangible (corporeal) and intangible (incorporeal)! Which includes:
b. All of my flesh, bone, blood and whaangai, herein referred to as my posterity and or my uri.
c. Including all of my whanau and hapu who consent! And:
d. I do claim all associated, copyright protected trade names, pertaining to:
The Debtor, Legal Fiction, Legal Person, Maori, Natural Person, Person, Statutory Entity, Strawman, and Transmitting Utility TAPA KITEORA LEWISⒸ™, as well as ARIKITOHIA and ARIKI and any and all derivative names of the same.
5. Thus I and my whanau who consent, do sever any and all Usufruct Subjugation ties with the NEW ZEALAND government corporation, including all other government corporations and their agencies, in their entirety!
6. Thus the occupying government corporation of NEW ZEALAND and all government corporations worldwide and their affiliates, agencies ministries and departments are hereby instructed to immediately cease and desist:
a. Any further infringement upon the forementioned copyright protected financial instruments enumerated in paragraph 4d, and:
b. You are to refrain from misaddressing I :Tapa-Kiteora: House of LewisⒸ™ in fraudulent debased Dog-Latin, GLOSSA.
7. The Public Recording Number for this Notice Praecipe is: LW122 620 692 NZ
8. The Proclaimation Date is: the 30th of December, 2024, with amendments made to it on 13 and 16 January 2025 anno Domini nostri Jesu Christi.
9. Thus in terms of paragraphs 4b and 4c, any and all relevant and applicable statements in this notice shall, “by and with their (whanau and hapu) consent“, apply to them in both their singular and private capacity. For example and unequivocally:
a. Where my name is mentioned, it shall be supplanted with his or her name, and any other obvious amendments
b. A more fuller comprehension shall and will be given to those who consent
11. Any other part of this panui that I/we deem fit, shall apply to myself and all whanau who consent! – Both singularly and or collectively as I/we shall so decide, in consultation with and in agreement with I the living man “Tapa-Kiteora (TK for short)“Ⓒ™.
12. Common lore/law is and shall be the paramount jurisdiction in terms of this panui and everything and anything to do with it.
13. As all things belong to Almighty God, I under him, as the creator of this notice, do claim in His name, absolute ownership to all grammar, style and language used herein, expressly for the purpose of this notice! – Including any other document that I have:
a. Written, typed, signed or autographed and: b. Will write, type, sign or autograph.
Thus the maxim: “He who creates owns”, is herewith applied.
14. Anything that I’ve written is not to be confused with legalese or any other language. All character layout, whether capitalised, lower case, bold or underlined or any combination are what is commonly recognised by living men and women and not to be taken in any other way or meaning. My position in this communication is that of a living man standing under God’s lore/law, also known as the Creator’s lore/law, natural law, and operating outside the jurisdiction of statutory rules or man-made legislation.
15. Thus paragraphs 12 to 14 is, shall and will be my lore/law, including and at my sole disgression all applicable points of lore/law stipulated herein.
16. I reserve my right to amend this notice at any time.
For consenting whanau and others, this notice shall be named, called and referred to as:
“He Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Arikitohia 2025“,
(A Proclaimation of Independence of Arikitohia 2025).
All rights reserved without prejudice,
The creator’s interpretation of this notice shall prevail,
Errors and omissions excepted.