The Royal Court of New Zealand
Under the Jurisdiction of God Almighty for the restoration of God’s Kingdom here on earth within the United Kingdom of New Zealand, where Summary Judgement in the High Court of New Zealand on 19 September 2024 and placed the Jurisdiction of Land Sea Air and Everything else under Almighty God not only for New Zealand but the World
Thou shall not steal, thou shall not bear false witness
John 14:6 Jesus said ‘I am the way the truth and the life’
Proverbs 19:9 A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will perish
This court hearing and all its content have been entered into the public records. Court recording commenced at approximately 8.30am on 18th day of December in the year 2024.
From the word of Holy Word of God it states in Matthew Chapter 18 v16 and 20 “A matter shall be established by two or three witnesses.” The three witnesses attending agreed to act in this capacity and gave their first names as Karl, Fred and Beverley-Jane.
All of the following corporations and individuals had until the seventeenth day of December in the year of 2024 to settle their debts, and received notification of a court hearing occurring on 18 December 2024 to liquidate them if the debts were not paid, plus gazetted on that this was going to occur.
I, Janine Commander and chief and Royal Crown confirm that no payment with proof of debts and official document before the court for each corporation and individual. All the names and insolvency numbers were read out aloud and entered into the record that at 9.01am the time the reading of the names was completed that each of the following corporations and individuals were liquidated.
Date | Time | Name of Corporation or Individual | Insolvency Number |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | Christopher Mark Luxon | 181224044 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | ASB BANK | 181224001 |
18/12/24 |
9.01am |
181224003 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | HEALTH NEW ZEALAND | 181224004 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND | 181224005 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | HIGH COURT OF NEW ZEALAND | 181224006 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | INLAND REVENUE DEPARTMENT | 181224007 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | INLAND REVENUE | 181224008 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | MINISTRY OF JUSTICE | 181224009 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS AND TRADE | 181224010 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | RESERVE BANK OF NEW ZEALAND | 181224014 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | NEW ZEALAND LOCAL GOVERNMENT FUNDING AGENCY | 1812224012 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | LOCAL GOVERNMENT NEW ZEALAND | 181224160 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | NEW ZEALAND TREASURY | 181224011 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | NEW ZEALAND DEBT MANAGEMENT | 181224013 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | MINISTRY OF HEALTH | 181224100 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | NEW ZEALAND POLICE | 181224101 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | WHANGAREI DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224018 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | WHANGANUI DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224019 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | WHAKATANE DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224020 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | WESTLAND DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224021 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | WESTERN BOP DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224022 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | WEST COAST DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224023 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | WELLINGTON REGIONAL COUNCIL | 181224024 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | WELLINGTON CITY COUNCIL | 181224025 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | WAITOMO DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224026 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | WAITAKI DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224027 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | WAIROA DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224028 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | WAIPA DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224029 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | WAIMATE DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224030 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | WAIMAKARIRI DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224031 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | WAIKATO REGIONAL COUNCIL | 181224032 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | WAIKATO DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224033 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | UPPER HUTT CITY COUNCIL | 181224034 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | TIMARU DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224035 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | THAMES-COROMANDEL DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224159 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | TAUPO DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224158 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | TASMAN DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224157 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | TARARUA DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224156 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | TARANAKI REGIONAL COUNCIL | 181224155 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | STRATFORD DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224154 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | SOUTHLAND REGIONAL COUNCIL | 181224153 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | SOUTHLAND DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224152 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | SOUTH WAIRARAPA DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224151 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | SOUTH WAIKATO DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224150 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | SOUTH TARANAKI DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224149 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | SELWYN DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224148 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | RUAPEHU DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224147 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | ROTORUA LAKES COUNCIL | 181224146 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | RANGITIKEI DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224145 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | QUEENSTOWN-LAKES DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224144 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | PORIRUA CITY COUNCIL | 181224143 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | PALMERSTON NORTH CITY COUNCIL | 181224142 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | OTOROHANGA DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224141 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | OTAGO REGIONAL COUNCIL | 181224140 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | OPOTIKI DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224139 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | NORTHLAND REGIONAL COUNCIL | 181224138 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | NEW PLYMOUTH DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224137 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | NELSON CITY COUNCIL | 181224136 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | NAPIER CITY COUNCIL | 181224135 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | MATAMATA-PIAKO DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224134 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | MASTERTON DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224133 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224132 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | MANAWATU DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224131 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | MACKENZIE DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224130 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | KAWERAU DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224129 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | KAPITI COAST DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224128 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | KAIPARA DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224127 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | KAIKOURA DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224126 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | INVERCARGILL CITY COUNCIL | 181224125 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | HUTT CITY COUNCIL | 181224124 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | HURUNUI DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224123 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | HOROWHENUA DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224122 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | HAWKE’S BAY REGIONAL COUNCIL | 181224121 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | HAURAKI DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224120 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | HASTINGS DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224119 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | HAMILTON CITY COUNCIL | 181224118 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | GREY DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224117 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | GORE DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224116 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | GISBORNE DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224115 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | FAR NORTH DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224114 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | DUNEDIN CITY COUNCIL | 181224113 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | CHRISTCHURCH CITY COUNCIL | 181224112 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | CLUTHA DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224111 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | CHATHAM ISLANDS COUNCIL | 181224110 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | CENTRAL OTAGO DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224109 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | CENTRAL HAWKE’S BAY DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224108 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | CARTERTON DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224107 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | CANTERBURY REGIONAL COUNCIL | 181224106 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | BULLER DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224105 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | BAY OF PLENTY REGIONAL COUNCIL | 181224104 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | AUCKLAND COUNCIL | 181224103 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | ASHBURTON DISTRICT COUNCIL | 181224102 |
18/12/24 | 9.01am | BOP LASS | 181224161 |
By law each corporation that has been liquidated is required to cease to operate from 18th day of December 2024. If it is found that they have continued to practise from that date then any income or funds or payments or sales or transfer of property and assets that has occurred since this corporation was first declared insolvent are to be seized and sent to the Royal Assignor who will determine who is the true owner; where the assets have already been placed in Janine and the People’s Irrevocable Trust (date of which is on each of the liquation documents). The court has appointed Janine of the House of Walters as the Royal Assignor who the directors and officers of every corporation must provide a full report with statement of financial affairs and full list of assets and liabilities. The Chief Executive Officer now has ten working days from 18 December 2024 to submit a report back to the Royal Assignor showing every register public and private and crown and admiralty plus any overseas register plus any other register that contains information regarding the corporation’s financial operations with personal and criminal liability for not providing this information, where the final date to supply this information is the seventeenth day of January 2025.
THIS Summary Judgement is issued pursuant to Section 289 and 239 of the Companies Act 1993 of failure to pay the outstanding debt due and owing in due course a charge over the whole of the assets, liabilities and rights in the Crown of Her Majesty Queen Janine assumes Creditor’s Rights has affirmed in the Royal Court of New Zealand for the restoration of God’s Kingdom here on earth within the realms of the United Kingdom of New Zealand assents to the place of Royal Assignor and Royal Assignee in the Crown of Her Majesty Queen Janine of the Royal House of Walters to administrate the liquidation of the Parliament Incorporation named above.
The following details apply to all of the individuals and corporations
Insolvency type: Court Liquidation
Insolvency status: Liquidation (Current)
Liquidation date/time: 18 -Dec-2024 09.01
Court: Royal Court of New Zealand under Jurisdiction God Almighty in the Kingdom of God
Industry at liquidation: government crown entity
Multiple insolvencies: No
Office for enquiries: Now Freedom For All PO Box 9006 Greerton Tauranga 3142
Case officer: Royal Assignor and Assignee in the Crown of Her Majesty Queen Janine of the Royal House of Walters
SPECIAL JUDICAL NOTICE that in the process of discovery found out that Christopher Luxon has been acting in the role of appointment of the Waitangi National Trust Board who will now be known as ‘the Board’
According to the interrogatories and discovery of new information it has been revealed that the Waitangi National Trust Board incorporates Parliament through the Crown representative Group and ultimately the Board have a fiducial duty of care to serving the best interests of the Crown’s beneficiaries. A forced Commercial lien is now placed over the Waitangi National Trust Board where Chris Luxon and the chairman of the Board are required to give full account. Janine acting jointly on behalf of the Crown, assumes Creditor’s Rights of all debts due and owing to the Crown claims on behalf of the Crown beneficiaries the inhabitants of New Zealand
The Royal Court Document was Sealed with the Court Seal
The Crown of Her Majesty Queen Janine of the Royal House of Walters assents to role of Royal Assignor and Royal Assignee in the Crown.
On the 18th day of December in the year of two thousand and twenty four
The three witnesses attending with names Margaret, Fred and Beverley-Jane agreed and confirmed that all of the information presented in this hearing were true and correct that the debtors failed to settle their debts and as a result with full lawful authority have been declared insolvent and entered in statutory management as from 9.01am on Friday the eighteenth day of December in the year of 2024.
The full set of documents were served to Christopher Luxon, the High Court at Auckland as head office for all the Courts Of New Zealand, chairman of Waitangi Trust Board Peter Tipene, Hauraki District Council as head office for all the councils. Christopher Luxon and the Hauraki Office are commissioned to distribute to all the corporations. On the public notice board you will find the summary, Insolvency Notice of Christopher Luxon, Forced commercial lien against Waitangi Trust Board and special judicial notice to the chairman of the Waitangi National Trust Board plus all insolvency notices.
Click on links:
Full set Insolvency documents from hearing 18 December 2024 (308 pages)