Public Notices NZ

Liability Notice to all Health Professional Licensing Boards and Disciplinary Tribunals


Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent, Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal,

This is a self-executing order

Click Here for the full notice: Liability Notice Licensing boards and Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal dated 24 January 2025

Janine as Commander and Chief and Crown

PO Box 9006, Greerton, Tauranga 3142

24th day of January 2025

Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal with registration number CC43268


Ms Theodora Baker in the private as well as Chair plus all other officers within Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal

Ms Gregor Allan in the private as well as Deputy Chair

Mr Winston McCarthy in the private as well as Deputy Chair

Truc Tran in the private as well as Deputy Chair

Alison Douglas in the private as well as Deputy Chair

Andy Crosby in the private as well as Executive Officer

Laura Cheetham in the private as well as Executive Officer

Level 24, AON Building, 1 Willis Street, Wellington


Chinese Medicine Council with registration number CC60389


Lindsey Pine in the private as well as Registrar and General Manager

Paddy McBride in the private as well as Chair plus all other officers within Chinese Medical Council

Level 5, 22 Willeston Street, Wellington 6011


Chiropractic Board with registration number CC34714


Glenys Sharman in the private as well as Registrar/General Manager

Dr Tim Cooper in the private as well as Chair plus all other officers within Chiropractic Board

22 Willeston Street, Wellington 6011


Dental Council with registration number CC22579


Marie MacKay in the private as well as Chief Executive plus all other officers within Dental Council

Courtney McCulloch in the private as well as Registrar

Andrew Cautley in the private as well as Chair

Level 7, 22 The Terrace, Wellington 6011


Dietitians Board with registration number CC33452


Laila Cooper in the private as well as Chair plus all other officers within Dietitians Board

Philippa Bascand in the private as well as chair

Level 5, 22 Willeston Street, Wellington 6011


Medical Council of New Zealand with registration number CC35628 and NZBN number 9429047124158


Dr Rachelle Love in the private as well as Chair plus all other officers within Medical Council of New Zealand

Joan Simeon in the private as well as CEO

Christine Anderson in the private as well as Registrar

Level 24 and 25, AON Centre, 1 Willis Street, Wellington 6011


Medical Radiation Technologists Board with Registration Number CC35408


Billie Mudie in the private as well as Chair plus all other officers within Medical Radiation Technologists Board

Dr Susan Calvert in the private as well as CE

Caleb Bridgeman in the private as well as Registrar

Level 7, Perpetual Guardian, 99 Customhouse Quay, Wellington 6011


Medical Sciences Council with Registration Number CC34594


Dr Susan Calvert in the private as well as CEO plus all other officers within Medical Sciences Council

Caleb Bridgeman in the private as well as Registrar

Brett Besley in the private as well as Chair

Level 7, Perpetual Guardian, 99 Customhouse Quay, Wellington 6011


Midwifery Council with Registration number CC10774


Ngarangi Pritchard & Kerry Adams in the private and as Chairs

Lesley Clarke in the private as well as CEO plus all other officers within Midwifery Council

Jessica Schreiber in the private as well as Registrar

Level 5, 22 Willeston Street, Wellington 6011


Nursing Council of NZ with registration number CC37186 NZBN number: 9429041912041


Ngaira Harker in the private as well as Chairperson plus all other officers within Nursing Council of NZ

Catherine Byrne in the private as well as CEO & Registrar

Level 5, 22 Willeston Street, Wellington 6011


Occupational Therapy Board of New Zealand with Registration number CC43824


Roxanne Waru and Steven O’Connor in the private as well as Co-Chairs

Andrew Charnock in the private as well as CEO & Registrar plus all other officers within Occupational Therapy Board of New Zealand

Level 5/22-28 Willeston Street, Wellington 6011


Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians Board with Registration number


Elmarie Stander in the private as well as CEO & Registrar

Kristine Hammond in the private as well as Chair plus all other officers within Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians Board

Level 5, 22 Willeston Street, Wellington 6011


Osteopathic Council of New Zealand with Registration number CC4175.

Lara Sanders in the private as well as Chair plus all other officers within Osteopathic Council of New Zealand

Tim Friedlander in the private as well as Registrar

Level 5, 22 – 28 Willeston Street, Wellington 6011


Pharmacy Council of New Zealand with Registration Number CC29809 NZBN 9429047124226


Arthur Bauld in the private as well as Chair plus all other officers within Pharmacy Council of New Zealand

Michael Pead in the private as well as CEO

Christine Anderson in the private as well as Registrar

Level 7, 22 The Terrace, Wellington 6011


Physiotherapy Board of New Zealand with Registration number CC35633

Level 10, The Todd Building 95 Customhouse Quay Wellington 6011

David Baxter in the private as well as Chair plus all other officers within Physiotherapy Board of New Zealand

Jeanette Woltman-Black in the private as well as CEO

James Dunne in the private as well as Registrar


Podiatrists Board of New Zealand with Registration Number CC34513.


Sandra Gale in the private as well as CE & Registrar

Dr Belinda Ihaka in the private as well as Chair plus all other officers within Podiatrists Board of New Zealand

Level 5, 22-28 Willeston St, Wellington 6011


New Zealand Psychologists Board with Registration number CC21656


Ms Nalini Meyer in the private as well as Chair plus all other officers within New Zealand Psychologists Board

Kylie Hooper in the private as well as General Manager/ Registrar

Level 5, 22 Willeston Street, Wellington 6011


Psychotherapists Board of Aotearoa New Zealand with Registration number CC44697.


Lucie Zwimpfer in the private as well as Chair

Janet Hay in the private as well as Registrar as well as all other officers of Psychotherapists Board of Aotearoa New Zealand

Level 5, 22 Willeston Street, Wellington Central 6011


Paramedics Board: TE KAUNIHERA MANAPOU PARAMEDIC COUNCIL with registration number CC58294


Jacquelyn Manley in the private as well as Registrar and CE as well as all other officers of the Paramedics Board

Dr Bronwyn Tunnage and Carlton Irving in the private as well as Co-Chairs

Level 5, 22 Willeston Street, Wellington 6011



On the nineteenth day of September 2024 through non-rebuttal in the High Court of New Zealand Immediate Summary Judgement was made against the crown government corporations including the High Court of New Zealand for making the people of this land debt slaves through fraud and deceit as well as liability for all and any harm caused by the covid-19 vaccine mandates where you can not force or co-erce someone to take a vaccine where one of the risk factors is death and evidence was provided to the CEOs of district health boards now known as Health New Zealand that the vaccine was neither safe or effective from their own data at the time of the mandates in November 2021.  The jurisdiction of the Land, Sea, Air and everything else was placed back under Almighty God not only for New Zealand but for the whole world on the same date being 19th day of September 2024. A one million dollar charge was placed on behalf of every man, woman, boy and girl that was effected by the covid-19 mandate decisions and due to non payment of this debt every single government corporation have now been made insolvent. Now all corporations, organisations and licensing bodies are being held accountable for their actions with the same charge fees still applying to all due to being unrebutted in a court of law.


The Royal Court of New Zealand was set up in November 2024 due to the High Court of New Zealand and all other government run courts having been made insolvent due to fraud and deceit and non payment of their debts, and all other government corporation run courts in this land are operating unlawfully since being declared insolvent on 18th day of December 2024. The only recognised courts are ones operating under the Jurisdiction of God Almighty where fraud, deceit, bearing false witness, theft and murder are no longer tolerated.


Your organisation is now commissioned to tell the truth and stop spreading false information with the Holy word of God from the Bible as the highest authority where Crown corporate laws shall become obsolete when any lies and deceit are found in any man made laws and contracts. Exodus chapter 20 verses 15 and 16 was quoted “Thou shall not steal and though shall not bear false witness against thy neighbour.” The organisations  and their officers and employees are now liable for all actions of bearing false witness and participating in controlling the people by deceit, where a vaccine was mandated when the officers within the government and the district health boards and Ministry of Health knew it wasn’t safe or effective. I, Janine, quote Genesis Chapter one verse 27 “so God created man and woman in his own image, the image of God he created them, male and female he created them.” God made men and women and men and women made corporations and other organisation structures. A corp-oration (dead man speaking) can never have control over a man or woman.


Orders were provided to the heads of the Crown and council corporations on the 10th day of October 2024 to stop spreading false information with intent to deceive the people, that all individuals who disseminate false information with the intent to deceive and cause harm as well as occasions where the truth is intentionally withheld from the people so that they can continue to be deceived, all to prevent liability. Any officers within any corporation or organisation that causes harm can be charged with the individuals, as well as the corporations they represent, liable for charges of minimum one million dollars for every man, woman, boy or girl that has been affected by their decisions of mandating employees or health professionals out of employment, for the co-ercement of vaccinating all others where research is now showing the MRNA is changing human DNA where the long term consequences are yet unknown.


The covid-19 has now been identified as a health and safety at work hazard. A business has a duty to ensure that the health and safety of persons are not put at risk from work carried out by the business. (Section 36 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015).  The mandated covid-19 vaccine has been identified as a potential health and safety risk. This evidence has been presented in the High Court of New Zealand, and as it has been presented and unrebutted it is now identified as truth in law and must be complied with. See the following article put out by the Florida government news room:


As governments overseas including the New Trump administration have recognised that the vaccine is a health and safety hazard this is now recognised worldwide where the Royal Court of New Zealand under the Jurisdiction of Almighty God has also recognised the covid vaccine as a health and safety hazard. President Trump has already recognised the Royal Court in operation in New Zealand plus publicly declared that we are now under the Jurisdiction of God, as have many other international government bodies. The control of the pharmaceutical corporations is now over where everything has been money driven rather than the best interests of the people. The inalienable rights of the people are restored. All men and women have right to know what is in every medication and also in food and any other products and all men and women have the right to make a choice of what they put in or on their own bodies.


All officers, employers and boards and licencing bodies are ordered with immediate effect to drop all charges against individuals who worked under your organisation either as an employee or a held a registered license to practise for making a decision to not have a vaccine and make a choice what goes into his or her own body.


If charges are not dropped immediately every officer with the organisation at fault becomes personally liable to pay the fines in place against individuals. I do not know of all charges in place but will name two that need to be dropped with immediate effect – Sam Bailey (doctor) and Karl Fischer (optometrist who has recently been defamed in the newspaper with lies where I have proof that he holds a current practising certificate with another licensing body), plus a formal apology in writing to any individual where their character has been defamed and shamed for making a decision of what was right to go into his or her own body. If the licensing bodies do not comply your organisations will be shut down and replaced.


All employers and boards and licencing bodies have a duty to provide information and training to past and present employees and health professionals and medical practitioners that are or were covered under your organisation of the exposure and potential harm to the persons put at risk through the covid-19 vaccine. It is a criminal offence to not train employees and health professionals and medical practitioners that were registered and licensed by your organisation of exposure to risks. (Section 9 of the Health and Safety at Work (General Risk and Workplace Management) Regulations 2016)


Employers and licensing boards are required under this act to provide workers and health professionals the opportunity to have a thorough medical examination. Employees and health professionals can claim expenses and compensation to undo any harm that has been caused by this exposure.


The medical board is also required to inform all medical practitioners of these health and safety hazards where all medical practitioners are now required to inform every one of their patients of exposure to these hazards where all practitioners will face criminal liability if they do not inform all patients.


Each organisation is required to inform your staff and all past and present licensed and registered health professionals that were under your board’s oversight of the risk of this hazard and his/her rights to make a claim where application forms can be emailed from and sent to


As the government corporations failed to deal with this matter they are now insolvent and in law I now sit in the position of Commander and Chief and Crown over the crown corporations where I have lawful rights to hold all accountable for actions of harm under the Jurisdiction of God Almighty. You are required to inform me how many staff work in your organisation and how many are registered currently and how many were registered at the time of the mandates in November 2021, which will indicate how many were mandated out of employment or business. Each organisation and it’s officers have one month to contact all registered health professionals and staff with the attached pamphlet or a one million dollar charge for every registered health professional or employee will be placed against your organisation as well as against the named individuals who hold personal liability.


A written confirmation is required back by 24th day of February 2025 confirming that you have informed all past and present staff and registered health professionals of their exposure to a hazard with confirmation in writing of how many registered health professionals under your organisation now and prior to the mandates.


The Medical Board and all other licensing boards are required by law to ensure that all medical and health practitioners have informed every one of their patients of their exposure to this hazard. To say that you were following orders is not acceptable according to Nuremburg trials. Take responsibility and inform all of your staff and health professionals under your licensing body. If you have not confirmed that all staff and health professionals have been informed by the due date of Friday 24 February 2025 then immediate payment of one million dollars for every employee and registered person under your organisation will be demanded and your organisation will be made insolvent and dissolved for not acting in the best interests of the people. The Medical Board and the Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal hold the most liability due to instructing all doctors and health professionals to promote the vaccine and punishing those who didn’t. If the Medical Council do not comply with ensuring all doctors inform all patients they will be charged one million dollars for every man, woman, boy and girl living in New Zealand with a bill sent out on 25 February for immediate payment and will be made insolvent on the 26th of February 2025. The Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal will also be charged one million dollars for every man, woman, boy and girl in this country. This matter is very serious due to loss of life, the large quantity of severe adverse events plus vast array of medical problems that have been occurring since the vaccine roll out. A hand out is supplied to be sent out to every New Zealander affected.


To the Registrars, CEOs and Chair, other Registrars CEOs and Chair who have not complied with the lawful orders have been stood down. The email and postal address to reply is at the beginning and end of this document.


From Janine as Commander and Chief and Crown and Royal Assignor of the Crown Corporations

Also as Registrar and Sheriff in the Royal Court of New Zealand

PO Box 9006, Greerton, Tauranga 3142



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