I, Janine of the House of Arabella, as Commander and Chief over all the Crown Corporations and the Council Corporations who are also subsidiary Crown Corporations have already issued orders on 8th day of October 2024 for immediate Cease and Desist from placing of any fluoride or other harmful chemicals or substances in any water supply within this land known as Aotearoa, in the realm of New Zealand into our water or onto our land or into our air or into our food supply or into our animals or plants or into vaccinations or any other recommended pharmaceutical drugs, with a minimum one million dollar charge of harm on behalf of every man, woman, boy and girl in Aotearoa, New Zealand per event.
I, Janine issue order to the Crown Corporations and Diana Sarfati to stand down and renounce the directive that went out from her to add fluoride into the water due to intention of harm to the people and if Diana Sarfati does not put out immediate release today in the media not only renouncing this directive but adding any district that is already adding fluoride to stop immediately, then with full lawful authority a commercial lien goes against her with full lawful rights to seize all her assets including her private home. If she steps back into honour and renounces her directive then I will keep a commercial and spiritual covering over her to protect her. Due to continuing to act in dishonour the following commercial lien has been placed against her on 16 November 2024
click on link: Commercial lien Diana Sarfati PPSR FW9UBM26NK7427V6
I, Janine have ordered the mayor and chief executive officers of every council within New Zealand o stand down from placing fluoride into the Tauranga drinking water plus all other mayors and chief executive officers in all council corporations within Aotearoa New Zealand and if they go ahead will place commercial liens against them with full lawful rights to seize all their assets including their private homes plus have them removed from office. If they step back into honour and renounce this directive then I will keep a commercial and spiritual covering over them to protect them.
I, Janine issue this notice to the people living in the land of Aotearoa that the Crown Corporation officers are in dishonour from disobeying the orders from me and following through on their intentions to add fluoride into the water. I, Janine of the House of Arabella as Commander and Chief of the Crown Corporations authorise the home guards and home sheriffs and any member of the public to produce this document and take to the drinking water reservoirs in your area and demand access and full authority to remove all bags of fluoride with full lawful authority to do so.
Click on link of order to Diana Sarfati and Crown Corporations: Orders for removal of Fluoride to Crown Corporations and Diane Sarfati
Click on link for orders to mayor and CEOs of councils: Orders for removal of Fluoride and charge to mayors and officers